It's been some time since I added to this website, now that its basic accounting content is complete. Let me tell you what I've been up to over the summer and into the fall term:
- Took some time to sort out admin issues in my day job, as head of the Accounting Area at Schulich
- Took some time to paddle my kayak around the Kawartha Lakes, for the good of my body and soul
- Took on two sections of financial accounting for our new Master of Management program
- Read up on the techniques behind financial accounting fraud, which I am now using in the classroom (and no, it's not a how-to course)
- Helped the Canadian Abilities Foundation host the team from Wheelmap, who came to launch an accessibility mapping effort in Canada
- Wrote and submitted new versions of three papers that are under review at academic journals
- Completed the first draft of another paper, on the role of accountants in the incarceration of people with disabilities in Ohio 100 years ago
- Read and read and read, which has been lovely.
I've got an unending supply of academic articles by other people that I want to present here in everyday language, so more content will be coming. I should probably explain accounting fraud, too, since you are probably wondering how anyone can get away with cooking the books. I mean, don't the auditors check their work? In a word, no. More on that in due course.
Downtown Toronto from Humber Bay Park.
In the meantime, I have a midterm exam to create, and a PhD dissertation to examine, a paper to present this weekend, and many, many cats to herd. I am a patient cat herder. The trick is having low expectations of the herd while enjoying the individual cats.
Photos of fall colours near the Humber River and of downtown Toronto taken in October 2017.
Cat herding video from Youtube. Don't follow the link. You know you will lose an hour of your life if you go there.